Friday, February 27, 2009

Who KICKED Billy??

Friday, February 27, 2009 12
I've been given the GRUMPY TAG by ĐǻñĎõøðñ.. I know i know, its taken me forever to do but hey, at least i am doing it =p

Ok.. on with the tag..

Put a picture of any grumpy person..

Mention 3 things that are just abnormal:
1. Eating butter with mayonnaise and ketchup (dear sister does this and it is just not normal to do so)
2. The tight abbaya that you cant even walk with. That is just not right!!! defeats the purpose.
Me having cucu syndromes =p

Mention 2 things that irritate you:
1. When someone is standing next to me, and instead of calling my name, they tap on the back or on my shoulders repeatedly..
2. when people cancel on me literally in the last second..

Mention 1 thing that trigger to your anger:
1. Being used and tricked..

Mention 3 people you can't live without:
1. My Family
2. My Friends
3. My Loved ones

Mention 2 of people you don't want to see:
i am a peaceful person, i honestly cant think of anyone that i dont want to see :s

Mention 1 of your favorite foods:
1. Hotdog

Mention 3 of your favorite songs:
(i have many favorite songs, so i will list down currently listing to songs)
1. Rashed El Majid-
3ashan el 7ub
2. Taj Jackson ft Martin K -
So Wrong
3. Daughtry -
It's Not Over

Tag only 5 people:
1. Forty Blinks
No Identity
Gone Bonkers.

Congratulations, YOU ARE GRUMPY =D ---> shamelessly stole it from ĐǻñĎõøðñ

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Funny NOT!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 18
Ok seriously,, what’s up with people trying to be funny when they are NOT ONE BIT FUNNY.. yan3i give up ok!! If you manage to crack a joke well done.. if not, man just give it a rest..

I was in a short presentation for Information Management Awareness… Quite interesting.. Then comes this guy to present.. HE LOOKS BORING… ashkara, and the way he talks, wallah puts you to sleep the moment he says “Ah”.. anyways, he was explaining the difference between Data and Information.. So he puts a number in the screen “42”.. and goes with his boring voice and says “this number doesn’t gives us any information, but if we put ‘age’, ‘shoe size’, ‘temperature’ the number makes sense. 42 can be anything, it can be my age,, no no I am not 42, maybe my shoe size is, but really my shoe size is 43


Now, he goes on with his boring presentation, and make a not that none of the 30 people laughed at his pathetic attempt to joke.. I was falling asleep till I heard him saying that is all,, man I thanked god it was over!!

See, being funny is a given thing, either you have it or you don’t. Don’t try to crack a joke mal bil quwa.. When funny decides to come to you it will come to you.. I am not a funny person but I do have my moments,, you might not be funny with words, but your actions are funny.. and if you are kilish not a funny person, then just keep on laughing with the funny people.

And just a not to take with you..
“Everyone is entitled to be funny, but please don’t abuse the privilege”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Tuesday, February 24, 2009 10
I got this email in my inbox and i laughed and i just had to share it with you, whoever wrote it is a Guinness.. She said everything i wanted to say and more... allah ya36eha el 3afiya.. if i only knew who it was, i would send her an email to personally thank her for voicing out her thoughts... anyways,,, here is what she wrote.. enjoy..

والله الدنيا ترى ماتسوى.... والرب واحد والعمر واحد
ياجماعة نبي نفتح الإيميل عشان نستانس، مو عشان تلوع كبدنا
ياجماعة نبي نضحك، نبي نحب الحياة، نبي نتعلم شي جديد مفيد ما اييب الغلقة وضيقة الخلق... كفاية الدنيا فيها أحزان ومصايب.. بعدالإيميل ما خليتوه في حاله؟؟
إلا عصير البرتقال ماركة الديك يسوي سرطان
وإلا كورن فلكس النمر يسبب داء الجنون
والبلاليط مصنوع من أمعاء القطط
ABCD XWZ 007 والفاضيين: قائمة بالمواد الغذائية اللي فيها مادة
واللي تقطع النسل وتذبح جميع البشر وتسبب التسونامي
واللي أفضى منهم: الدونت والبطاطس المقلية مخطط شنيع لنشر الصهيونية بواسطة دهن الخنزير
والمصدقين روحهم: أمريكا تغزو ديار المسلمين بواسطة شيبس ليز وسنكرز، وقد وجب الجهاد
واللي عادين روحهم أطباء
شرب الماء البارد بعد المجبوس = سرطان القولون، وإلا سرطان الجهاز الهضمي كله أحسن
شرب اللبن قبل الدجاج المشوي التندوري (مو البروستد) = قرحة في المعدة إلى الأبد وماتروح
أكل السلطة في صحن مسطح من غير ليمون = ديسك في الظهر والرقبة واليد اليسرى
ومع ليمون = التهاب المفاصل والركب والإصبع الصغير
عدم أكل وجبة الإفطار الساعة 6 = انسداد في الأوردة بالإسمنت
خبز الخباز = أمراض الكبد وإنفلونزا الدجاج
واللي عادين روحهم أصحاب نصيحة
لا تآكلون سويت - لاتآكلون برجر
لا تآكلون آيس كريم - لا تآكلون سمارتيز
لا تآكلون خبز وجبن
لا لا لا لا لا لا لا لا لا لا
شنآآآآكل عيل؟؟
كل ما طلع شي جديد ذبحتونا عليه
شيليز وكرسبي كريم وماكدونالد وستاربكس وبيبسي هدوا العالم كله وقرروا يخلون المسلمين يأكلون خنزير
ترى سندرتونا
كل شي مسرطن؟؟؟
كل شي زين وحلو وناجح فيه دهن خنزير وجزء من المؤامرة الصهيونية الكبرى..؟؟
ترى فلسطين راحت بدون دونت كرسبي كريم وأفغانستان يقصفونها كل يوم بقنابل متقدمة مو ببطاطس مكدونالد
تركوا عنكم الخرابيط.... وتركوا عنكم حكي الإشاعات
الموبايل يسبب التفوئيد
والصابون سرطان مباشر ما في كلام
وشامبو جونسون للأطفال اللي كلنا من سنة الطبعة سبحونا فيه واحنا يهال يسبب السرطان ويقضي على الأجيال
واللابتوب يسبب الحصبة
والواير مال تلفزيون الصالة فيه ذبذبات خطيرة تسبب جنون البقر لعيال الفريج
ياحبيبي على وحش التكنولوجيا اللي بيهجم علينا .. لو ما قرينا الإيميلات كان رحنا ضحية الكارثة الإلكترونية البغيضة والوايرات المشربكة
كل مافتحنا الإيميل: إحذروا.... الامر خطير.... لا يجب السكوت عنه
حصل في البحرين: سيدة خذت كارد فيه مادة مخدرة وصادتها دوخة وباقوا فلوسها
هام جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً جداً
حصل في مجمع الدانة واكتشفت الشرطة عصابة تنقل الإيدز
ونفس الإيميل نسخة (ماتعبوا روحهم يغيرون التفاصيل) عن مجمع "الغرير" في الإمارات..
والله شلخ... وشلخ بايخ بعد شالخرابيط؟؟؟ تقصون على الناس؟؟ تطلعون إشاعات وترجونها ليش؟؟؟
وإيميلات الحلال والحرام ومابينهما كوم ثاني
فتاوى الإيميل الحديثة، هذا حرام، وذاك حرااااام مضاعف، وجهنم الحمرا تنطركم كلكم، والموت وعزرائيل يحسبون لكم الدقايق
ياجماعة ترى رب العالمين شديد العقاب صح
بس بعد غفور رحيم، وسعت رحمته كل شئ
والحي أبقى من الميت
والرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام جدّم الفرح على الحزن
والله قال: "ولا تكن فظاً غليظاً
هاذي غير وصايا وتحف الاستهبال
الشيخ فلان مكشوف عنه الحجاب شاف منام اللهم صل عالنبي
وكلكم لازم تقرون الإيميل وتطرشونه حق 10 أشخاص وإلا بينهار سد مأرب... شكو؟؟؟
بسكم عاد من سوالف الترهيب والفتاوى اللي تلف الانترنت كل يوم
وما يبط كبدي الا جماعة "ارسلها"... عشان خاطر حبايب خالة جيرانكم ترسلها... ارسلها ترى بتندم... ارسلها أمانة عليك يوم القيامة.... استحلفك أن ترسلها.. رح زين
وانت منو تحملني أمانة وتستحلفني مرة وحدة يا أخي؟؟؟
داش إيميل وإلا داش حرب؟؟؟
وعيال عمهم: جماعة "انشر".. إعلان أهو؟؟ ولا تسويق إجباري؟؟
ما قاصر الا يقولون لك: "انشر احسن لك" أو "احترم نفسك وانشر"
والا اللي ايقول لك: إذا تبي لا ترسلها... بس الأجر بيروح عليك
يعني الأجر ألحين كله صار في هالإيميل...؟ انصك باب الحسنات يعني؟؟؟
ومن خولكم تطلبون من خلق الله ترسل إيميل؟؟؟ مو على كيفكم من يرسل ومن ما يرسل وشنو يرسل
والمتفلسف يقول لك: لا تخلي الشيطان يقص عليك وما ترسلها
احذر أن يوسوس لك إبليس أن لا ترسلها
حلفوا عاد؟؟؟
الشيطان قاص عليكم وماكل بعقلكم حلاوة وانتوا بس تارسين لنا الـ
بإيميلات متشابهة كل يوم نفسها توصلنا
وعباقرة الرياضيات: طرشها مرة تكسب 456739832469 حسنة
طرشها مرتين تكسب 849656504594547664444748700000
بس ملينا.. حتى الدين ما رحمتوه؟؟
ياجماعة.. "الكلمة طيبة صدقة"
والدين يسر
الإيميل وسيلة تبادل معلومات خفيفة واستفادة... مو منبر فتاوي ، ولا مركز خدمات أمراض الموت... ولا مركز التحذيرات من عصابات البش والدبش، ولا أداة للتنفير من الدين ونشر فتاوى شيوخ سبيس تون
وإذا الإيميل له قيمة وفيه فايدة الكل بينشره بدون صيغة الأمر البايخة.. وطريقة أرجوك أحب خشمك ترسلها
والناس أدرى باللي ينفعهم، ما يحتاجون أحد يقول لهم شنو يسوون
خلوا الإيميل جزء حلو من اليوم، يرسم ابتسامة، ويضيف معلومة
مع تحيات: وحدة طقت كبدها من إيميلات تحتوي المذكور أعلاه

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Interview Tag

Sunday, February 22, 2009 14
its been so long since i got this tag, it is time to do it.. e7im, SORRY ERRANT.. So i asked Errant to interview me and here are her interview questions...

1- What is the one song that you feel like it sums you up?
a55555 min awaliha a very hard Q.. i never actually thought of this.. hmm if i think hard the only song that comes to mind that is a song that reflects my status at the moment.. so i will just answer you with, Single by Natasha Bedingfield.

2- Your fav curse word?
LOOOOOL!! omg 7addo su2al for me.. well many,, i do curse often but only with my very close friends..the word that i use the most is a word in Swahili and i don't think i wanna write it here.. it is very bad word =p (Fort the curious ones, here is the words intials K-N)

3- Your bedroom colors?
My bed room is so girly.. i know most of my friends would be shocked, but it is pink-purple and green.

4- Have you planned your honeymoon? even if ur not married, where ?
LOL!! omg i am such a dreamer.. e7im yes i did.. it will inshallah be a 10 days ship cruise through Europe, i even found out much it will cost and all.. loool.. how desperate =p

5- if you were invisible for one day, what would you do?
watch my loved one all day long..

6- when you feel stressed out what do you do?
i tend to avoid people so that i dont take out my stress on them, i will usually talk to my best friend who can calm me down and listen to my crap, then hibernate and watch movies or tv or sleeeeeep...

7- your fav childhood toy? why?
hmm,, i would say my bicycle :p.. hm i hated dolls and barbie, considering the fact that i grew up with my brother, i bet my fav toy was something so boyish it is just that i dont know what it is.. plus we were more into physical games like shor6a 7arami and so..

8- a message to Obama?
You better make the right dicisssions and make the world and better place. Pay respect to Muslims and Islam and prove us right..

9- I look my best when .......
a) i wear a very girly outfit..
b) i blow dry my hair..

10- A message to Errant ...
You are one of my favourite bloggers and i love you :*

How does this tag work. If you want to be interviewed, all you have to do is write in the comment box 'interview me' and i will send you the interview questions either in your email or in your comment box..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm Not Perfect..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 8
I’m scared of the image that you have of me..
I am not as perfect as you picture me..
My flaws are way too may and at times are too much to handle..
I’m broken in many ways that I don’t think you can make amendments..
I try to be my best but at times my morals fail me..
I don’t think I can be who you have in mind nor compare it..
I’m intimidated by your actions towards me..
I don’t think I can live up to your expectations..
For all what it is and for all what its worth..
I’m just a glimpse of a human that is no where close to perfection..

Sunday, February 15, 2009

143 Road Accidents.

Sunday, February 15, 2009 7
Last week Oman witnessed
143 Traffic Accidents which included:
>80 accidents:collision between number of cars
>24 accidents: run over a person
>21 accidents: run into fixed objects
The outcome was:
31 deaths and 189 different injuries...

انا لله وانا اليه راجعون
اسال الله ان لا يريكم فيمن تحبون مكروها
Drive Safely please...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Highlights of My Week

Saturday, February 14, 2009 15
Last week was so exhausting and I thought I would get a break and relax after my sister’s wedding but that didn’t happen!!

For one, I had to make amends with all my friends who I ditched and disappeared on during the wedding period.

Last Weeks Highlights:
Saturday: Went to Mahrajan Muscat (Muscat’s Festival). Well nothing new there are it sucked big time as usual, ba3ad this time they had it really far, it takes an hour to drive there, as usual, the games sucked, all stupid stuff and remotely expensive (but I guess compared to previous years it is a bit cheaper).. Guys were hanging around just to see the girls in rides, how pathetic.. Girls ashkal o alwan, the make-up and clothes all I can say is “Allah yester”.. The only thing that was nice, it that we walked for like 1 1/2 hours without feeling it and I enjoyed the quality time with my friend who I haven’t see for more then 5 months or so..

Sunday: Had to see my football buddies, and I went training with them,, came back home late and broken.

Monday: Suffering from body aches and unlimited bruise from the football training. This day was reserved to visit my friend and her baby (mashalla her baby is cute and tiny), so after work I went to her place and at 7 something I left to go for a dinner with my football team, the roads was za7ma, a journey of 20min took me 1hour..

Tuesday: had another football training session, so after work I went to play football, and new bruises and injuries appeared on my body.. now it is like a map..

Wednesday: had a wedding that I needed to show my face in.

Thursday: Had another wedding and too many appointments to go to that I didn’t get a chance to sleep well or relax. I hit my aunty's car with my car, got a headache from that. Nothing happened to me or my aunt or my mom who was ridding with her, and nothing happened to the cars. The wedding was fun,, i had a blast. And the FOOOD was AMAZING!!! *drrrrrooooollsss*
P.s Emily, you missed the food, i swear it was a taste from outer here and don't get me started on the verities of sweets that was there...

Friday: considering the fact that I slept late on Thursday, say like 2am and I have to wake up by 8am was not helping my cause, BUT it was totally worth it.. I had a picnic with my cousins and friends and I had a blast.. Everything was very nice that I didn’t get bored. But by end of the day, my body was too heavy to move. I was on bed by 9 bas min kither el ta3ab I didn’t sleep till after 11pm.

I woke up today feeling so tired!! And I had presentations and meetings and weekly updates that I didn’t feel like doing at all but I had to.. well the day passed well I guess…

Ok few shout outs to my fellow bloggers.
Ms.D: The progress of the diet.. from 7 days, I managed to be healthy with 4 and the 3 weren’t as good as the 4. But, I am working on it and I am trying to make my own eating schedule and all.. I am wondering how is your progress going on

Dandoon: You should really start the diet and stop giving excuses to your self..

Desertpalm: e7im, I am not sure if I gained while I was screwing up my diet and eating a lot, but you came to mind whenever I ate something wrong loool.. so anyways.. I promise to get in shape ASAP!!

For all those who are single on this 14th of February 2009
"Happy Independence Day!!" ;)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Favourite Tag

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8
I was tagged by the lovely and sweet CANDY

Favourite colour: navy blue
Favourite getaway place: My room
Favourite perfume (guys): Fahrenheit

Favourite perfume (girls): Romance
Favourite pj brand: Nothing specific
Favourite clothes brand in general: Lee copper, Gap and anything comfortbale
Favourite person in the entire world: My mom
Favourite country (not including your own): Italy
Favourite car: Benz SLK
Favourite sport: Football
Favourite sport player: I have many.. No specific one
Favourite spot in Kuwait: Madri considering I’ve never been to Kuwait, bas here in Oman it would be “fooog” somewhere in RAH..
Favourite animal: cat
Favourite movie: practical magic, million dollar baby, duplex, troy etc..
Favourite singer: Mostly depends on the song not the singer
Favourite day in the week: Wednesday
Favourite time of the day: dawn and night time..
Favourite holiday season: I like all seasons..
Favourite number: 7
Favourite food: All foods are my favs, Chinese, African, Arabic, Italian, etc..
Favourite chocolate: My taste tends to change from time to time, currently craving for sneakers

Favourite cartoon: Tom and Jerry
Favourite blogger: all bloggers are my fav Favourite
Flavour Ice Cream: yoghurt ice cream from Glacier café o BAS!

So how this works is you guys add a new favourite to the list and pass it on to 10 to 15 people.

OK my new fav would be,
Favourite Drink: Water and fresh juices

I Tag: Since most of you bloggers have been tagged and i lost track of tags, so i will tag any blogger who has not been tagged yet with this tag. Do i make a tagging sence :p?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Saturday, February 7, 2009 12


*hugs to all*

So its been a really looooooong week… didn’t get much of rest and now I am back to work.. blah!!! I wish if I just could get paid for sleeping..

Mini Updates:

  1. The diet went down the drain BUT I am starting fresh again today.
  2. My Hair Crisis wasn’t solved but I managed to style it somehow that it didn’t show its patheticness in the wedding.. Thank you all for your suggestions and comments regarding that matter. (By the way, Dandoon, i am proud to be a member in your "club of hair crisis")
  3. All my sisters are gone.. Emily and Tohu all travelled in one day and now I am sisterless!!!!

So many posts to read.. I better start playing catch up now…

Just some random reply and shout outs to my fellow bloggers..

Ruby Woo: I like your instructor already and I am ashamed to say that I actually ate everything. From chocolate cakes to candy bars to cheese cake to everything sweet =) it was fun while it lasted..

Ms.D: I started dieting today… I sent you an email.. check it out.

Toota: coffee is not fattening but I like mine with milk and sugar… but guess what, in this whole week, I got used to drinking black coffee and I am getting addicted to it =)

Candy: Thank you for your sweets words and wishes.. the wedding preparation was hectic but al7amdulliah it was all worth it..

Libero Anima: Save the 2 stars that you want to give me, coz the diet got screwed the moment I heard the word celebration LOOOL!

Special thankx goes to:
Dandon, Candy, Woddy, Another-Penelope, Gone Bonkers, Muffin and Sexy Lips, Mean B, Tomeh, and Queen..

Thank you guys for your wishes and inshallah doom the happiness will surround us all..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

To My Sister..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 12
Now that your day has arrived.. Just few more hours and you will be gone to start a new page in your life. I remember when mom brought you to this world.. You were this new toy that me and your brother would be playing with. You were this cute little thing that we fought about carrying it, feeding it, dressing it lool.. We had fun times when you were a baby.. Then grew up and you started to talk and being all over the place, that is the time you started to annoy me lool. You’d always be around when I have my friends over, always all over the place and somehow manage to capture their attention.. Funny how this habit NEVER died.. You are STILL around when my friends are over and you know most of my friends more than I know yours. I don’t mind it now to be honest.. I think it is a nice thing..

I know growing up we haven’t been that close to each other, with the 4 years apart between us, and me always thinking how young and childish you are and then travelling abroad to study and all.. I can honestly say that by the time you started college and I finished my studies, that when I got to know you. I always wished if I had more than one sister. On the bright side I am happy that I am blessed with a sister like you.. of course, we had our share of evilness towards one another, sometimes t is by pissing each other off on purpose or complain to mom and get scolded by it, or trapping each other into trouble. In the end it was always worth it, as we tend to forget it or have a laugh about it. And that is what made our sister bond grow stronger.

I can’t imagine how the house would be like with you gone now. It is enough that none of our brothers are home and now you are departing too. It’s just going to be, me, dad and mom. How boring is that??!!

I wish you all the best on this road that you are about to take. You know that you always have me by your side and I am just a phone call away if you need anything. 3asa rabi yefta7lik kul abwab el ‘7air, Ameen.

Things change and people move on but my love for you will never change or go anywhere.. You will always be my one and only sister.
And I will always love you dearly..
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