Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I *heart* My Doctor

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
إلى دكتورتي العزيزة الرزينة
(suppose razeena ya3ni)
كل عام و انتي بخير … و عقبال ال ١٠٠ سنة
“hehe, I sound like the first grade =p”

Mashalllah.. shoofi how time passed..
Yesterday you were in diapers and today you are already a full grown doctor kind of woman

So, you are a year older and hopefully a year wiser

I do hope this year will be your year and Inshallah it will be so good to you.. With your new discoveries and change of attitude you shall shine and rise..

I am wishing you a wonderful day today
(i hope you are not on call)

It’s a shame I am not there to celebrate it with you, bas Inshallah one day I will be there for your birthday.. I have hope =)

So enjoy your birthday and many happy returns of the day..

p.s i still didnt find the perfect gift, once i do i will send it to you =)


p.s i know you have 3azza and your grandma just passed away, i am just trying to send you a smile..
i love you

5 Voices:

Her doctor

thank you baby, you're the sweetest..
but there wont be any birthday since my grandmother just passed away .. i mean this is her 2nd day of 3aza ???
i love you girl

Miss Dreamer

Happy Birthday to your doctor sweetheart.

May she has a splendid year, and years to follow.


Happy birthday to the doctor xx

Texan after UAE

Happy b-day, doc!

rencontrer Pauline

Happy Birthdaay Dr. :D:D

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