- This Ramadan passed so fast that I didn’t feel it..
- Eid is not like before.. Madri, I am just not feeling the eid..
- I haven’t done anything for this eid.. I didn’t shop and I didn’t get me any new outfits for going out at night..
- I have no real eid plans.
- All I want to do is just rest and stay at home.. I don’t feel like going out at all...
- I wanna travel..
- I am not feeling this eid =(
- Hope your eid is better than mine!!
Orange Cranberry Cut Out Sugar Cookie Recipe
1 month ago
14 Voices:
laish haik? u still sound tired.. =/
Dear standy,
Life can be very gloomy at times n we feel like we dont want to leave the comfort of our beds...
It's like we don't want to celebrate things that once mattered to us cuz it's just not like before..
But things change and we have to adapt to that! trust me, i haven't been makin any eid plans for the past 2 years..
Eid for me is just a way to relax away from everyone! and maybe u just need that
trust me, relaxing is great, bas ur not doing that. ur just sitting home not feeling the eid spirit!
what u need to do is go out there n try to enjoy it.
Try to put a smile on ur face
try to mean it
i swear to u, eventaully You will mean it!
& remember, the best moments come unplanned =)
o kel 3am o enty be 5air 3omri!
can I copy and paste ur entire post to my blog cuz alllll are the same for me ;)
but it's ok I guess.
inshalla kel ayaamch a3yad yarab
kel 3am wa enti b5air
kel 3am w entay b5eer w 9a7a w salama..
I don't think anyone can say that 3eed hasn't changed!
kel 3am wnti b5air 7abeebti ..
3eedich embarak dear! =)
look at the bright side .. no workd for a few days!
wow why? :(
its ok I didnt buy anything too i just bought for some winter:P but i still go out and hae fun ,you better hang out with ur friends at once at least chthy might refresh ur mind something :) ayamch s3eeda o 3eedch embarek swee6ie
Eid Mubarak Standy sorry you feel that way this Eid
Hope you feel more cheerful as the days pass and try and make the most of it
Happy eid hun!
Just relax and rest. Don't think a lot, the more you think, the more stress your gonna be.
Have fun!
my eids boring too!!
but kel 3aam wenti eb5air.. inshalah next Eid will be better..
kel 3am w entay b5air
it's my first time here :p
enjoy el3eeD :D
Roon: LOL!! thank you for your words rooon.. they really mean alot to me.. you are the best lil sis i could ever ask for *hugs* hope your eid was better than mine =) --> i'm smiling =)
Faith: loool.. faith, please be my guest =D copy and paste anything you want =D its nice to know that we share the same page and i am not alone ;)..
welcome to my blog and kil 3am o inti b5air =)
i hope the eid did get better for you at some point!!
Aurous: o inti bi alf 9i7a o salama... its true, i think eid changed to everyone,,, hope you had a nice one!
mosha: hope your eid was great and you enjoyed it to the max =)
A Journal Entry: lool.. so true, no work for a whole week, that actually made it better =D
hope you had a great one..
Another-Penelope: =) thank you, i did hang out with my frineds and i had a great time =D
hope you did too ;)
Mayya @ Sew Chic and Unique: it does get better Mayya, i have hope in that ;)
Hope your eid was amazing =D
C: =D so true, thankx dear =D
inshallah it will be, i am sorry that your eid was borinig too but i do hope that you managed to turn that around ;)
Faith: 3asakum min 3awadah.. welcome to my blog o 3asa it wont be the last time ;)
Hope you had a great Eid..
=) Always there..
ur the best sister too..
u've been missed.. =)
mine.. aumm.. best to say.. was eventful..
huh!! how funny
two different faiths and both first time to your blog.
gotta say I found ur blog first lol
Faith: lool.. what are the odds right!!
5ala9 you will be the Original Faith =p
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