Saturday, November 29, 2008

الله يرحمك يا خالي

Saturday, November 29, 2008 5
اللهم ان خالي صالح في ذمتك وحبل جوارك فقه من فتنة القبر وعذاب النار وانت اهل الوفاء والحق فاغفر له وارحمه يا رب العالمين

اللهم ابدله دارا خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله وادخله الجنة واعذه من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار
.اللـهـم عاملة بما انت اهله ولا تعامله بما هو اهله
.اللـهـم اجزه عن الاحسان إحسانا وعن الأساءة عفواً وغفراناً
. اللـهـم إن كان محسناً فزد من حسناته , وإن كان مسيئاً فتجاوز عن سيئاته
.اللـهـم ادخله الجنة من غير مناقشة حساب ولا سابقة عذاب
.اللـهـم اّنسه في وحدته وفي وحشته وفي غربته
. اللـهـم انزله منزلاً مباركا وانت خير المنزلين
.اللـهـم انزله منازل الصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن اولئك رفيقا
.اللـهـم اجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة ,ولا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار
.اللـهـم افسح له في قبره مد بصره وافرش قبره من فراش الجنة
.اللـهـم اعذه من عذاب القبر ,وجاف ِالارض عن جنبيها
.اللـهـم املأ قبره بالرضا والنور والفسحة والسرور

اللـهـم انه عبدك و ابن عبدك و ابن امتك مات و هو يشهد لك بالوحدانية و لرسولك بالشهادة فأغفر له إنك انت الغفار
.اللـهـم لا تحرمنا اجره ولا تفتنا بعده و اغفر لنا و له و اجمعنا معه في جنات النعيم يا رب العالمين
.اللـهـم انزل علي اهله الصبر والسلوان و ارضهم بقضائك.اللـهـم ثبتهم علي القول الثابت في الحياه الدنيا وفي الاخره ويوم يقوم الاشهاد
.اللـهـم صلي وسلم وبارك علي سيدنا محمد وعلي اّله وصحبه وسلم إلي يوم الدين

Monday, November 24, 2008

Diet Update #5

Monday, November 24, 2008 7
OMG.. OMG.. OMG.. I'M SO HAPPY.. this week was a bliss. It was so easy, it moved by super fast and I finally weighed my self =) .. I was talking to my doctor and i was asked if i know how much i lost already.. so et7amast and I went to see how much i lost.. I LOST 3KG.. YEAH BABY, of course along with the inches, wallah that made me so happy.. I am 70 now, 7kg more to go… ohh another thing that made me so happy, i have a shirt, it was a bit tight and now is it looooooossseeeeee… YAY!! Wallah I am over the moon.. (Dandon el fal lich Inshallah)

Ok, last week, didn’t cheat at all, well i did eat something but it was under the supervision of my doctor so that was fine =p..

Week 6 will be hard as i am travelling today to go to Dubai, so yeah good luck with my diet and finding healthy food to eat..

I will miss you all.. You guys take care and have fun and see you when i am back..
*hugs* to everyone..

P.s Desertpalm, please start buying those sweets so they can be sent over here =p

Thursday, November 20, 2008

You Know The Drill :p (Tagged by 3anooda & Queen)

Thursday, November 20, 2008 12
1.Who are you?

2. Are we friends?

3. Something I have and YOU want?

4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

5. Describe me in one word.

6. What was your first impression of me?

7. Do you still think that way about me now?

8. What reminds you of me?

9. If you could give me anything what would it be?

10. How well do you know me?

11. How do you see me in the future?

12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?

13. Are you going to post this in your blog and see what I say about you?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy 38th National Day

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 7
صباح الوطنية

عندما يكون الحب ... عمان
ندرك عندها معنى حب الأوطان

صباحكم أمجاد
وأيامكم أعياد

بمناسبه العيد الوطني الـــ38 المجيد أزف لكم أجمل باقة من التهاني

وكل عام وأنتم يا زملائي الأعزاء .. في رفعه و سؤدد و وئام
أرفع أسمى آيات التهاني لمولانا حضرة صاحب الجلالة السلطان قابوس بن سعيد المعظم حفظه الله ورعاه بمناسبة العيد الوطني 38 المجيد أعاده الله عليه وعلى الشعب العماني بالخير والبركات

On this national day a dedicated website about the Sultan has been created. Check it out..

Monday, November 17, 2008

Diet Update #4

Monday, November 17, 2008 7
WOW.. I am half way through already.. This past week I was so dedicated to my diet I didn’t cheat and I didn’t screw it AT ALL!!...

OMG the weekend was such a challenge, junk food was all over the house, my mom ordered something that I REALLY LOVE but of course it is on the forbidden list so I just had to look at it and droll lool.. my sis kept on getting subway cookies.. and my friends kept on inviting me and tempting me with things and they really wanted to me to screw my diet.. anyways I didn’t submit to them and I stood tall.. Oh the party.. There was this house party that I was invited in.. It was nice.. not as I had it in mind but ok.. Anyways I saw friends I didn’t see for a long time, I mingled and I did Mr. Bean dance (specially for desertpalms).
here are some pics from the party’s temptation..

I didn’t eat anything, I just drank water the whole time I was there.. Determination or what?!!
wallah i am so proud of my self.. my friends couldn't believe i will actually just look at food and not eat it!!! YAY!! *does a happy dance*

So over all the week was GREAT!! But is was kinda slow. Not sure how many weeks left. I am loosing count already, but end of the year aint far!!! I’d say I was 98% on track and I am happy with that.. Still playing football and tennis, stopped jogging…

That is all for this week. Looking forward for week #5 :D

Friday, November 14, 2008

Voice of Inspiration #2

Friday, November 14, 2008 10
Due to recent budget cuts...
Rising the costs of electricity, gas and oil...
As well as current market conditions...

And the continued decline of the U.S. economy...

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Has Been Turned Off...............

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 5
*does my happy retarded dance* LOL!!

OMG my friend ‘Max’ got me these sweets from the U.K she says it is famous there and I soooo love it.. I like the ‘Rock’ sweet is just takes you to another level loool..

Here is a pic of what i got!!

Oh about my diet, yes i am still on it and not i didn’t eat them, I just tasted is a very tiny bit of it. The lollypop i gave it away and the rock sweet i gave it to my mom and sis. I don’t think i can survive the five weeks looking and them without eating them lol.. Plus, Desertpalms promised me sweets so i am having hope to get some from her once my diet is over which will be in 5 weeks… *fingers crossed*


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Diet Update #3

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 16
Hey all.. wow, I’ve been away for quite sometime now.. I have lots of catching up to do.. I had a blast last week.. I had a soccer match with the American school.. Yes my team won 2-0. That was a very nice match, did some catching up with some series that I watch, so it was great to just lay back and watch tv and relax..

Ok regarding the diet, week 3 passed fast. I did fewer mistakes unlike before. I managed to stick to the diet abit more than usual.. and yesterday was the first day to do the diet without adding anything from outside.. Wallah I am so proud of my self.. I totally can do it.. Now I have 5 more weeks to go and I feel great. I can see some positive effects on my body, people started to notice that I am loosing a bit.. So that is even a bigger motivation for me.. To maintain this, i will be doing soccer and tennis regularly, i can feel my body is starting to tone and that makes me so happy..

Now the real test comes in the weekend, I have this girls party to attend and all the temptations will be there.. Um is it ok if I dance my heart out and also eat? Balance la :)

Oh well, will see how it goes..

Lets roll to week 4..

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The New President

Wednesday, November 5, 2008 6

Obama is the 44th U.S president.. let's hope for the best (Quoted from Queen)

This is a historical day..I am happy for him.. I was one of his supporters and i so wanted him to win.. Congrats Obama, you did it and you made history with it..
We ask Allah to make him more sensible about Islam and helpful to lighten the pressure on us and change Americans thoughts about Islam..

Monday, November 3, 2008

Diet Update #2

Monday, November 3, 2008 6
Now that 2 weeks has passed things should be easier but it is NOT! God I am suffering, and all the good things come in the time that you so0o don’t want them to come in. So this week was worse than week one. The breakfast and dinners are not bad and 90% on spot but the in-between and the weekend is where the screw up happened!!..

My diet got screwed on the following occasions:
One- Following up with ‘sexy lips’'s birthday and we had an outing and everything went down the drain.
Two- Someone in the office had a promotion and invited us for PIZZA.. how can I say no to that!!
Three- I was sick and I wanted to pamper my self so I took a break.
Four- The weekend welcomed me with open arms LOL..
Five- It was someone else’s birthday so you know the drill..

Anyhow, this week I would rate my self a 40% on track and 60% off track.. But really give me a break.. This week I did more exercise than ever.. I played soccer, I jogged and I also played tennis. So yeah I think I managed to burn what I ate “I know wishful thinking”lool..

I feel great and I feel like I lost some sha7am on the sides so that is always a good sign :D

Yala let week #3 being..

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Coloured Shughar--(sugar)

Saturday, November 1, 2008 11
My sister 9ara7a 3ajeeeeeeeba.. she took the normal white sugar and turned it into pink and other colours..
I mean really,, mo 6abee3i how she did it.. Here i took a pic..

Now the question that i have is "What on earth am i suppose to do with coloured sugar?"
So i asked her and the conversation went something like this..

Me: Wow, nice coloured sugar.. looks pretty..
Sis: Yeah, isn't it... *smiles*
Me: ohh i will go and make tea and put it in there..
Sis: What! NO!! you wont!
Me: WTH?! why not? i mean it sugar and you are meant to use it..
Sis: Yeah but not in tea!
Me: o.0 'by this point i am already confused why do we a9lan have colour sugar'.. Ok, then where can i use this sugar in?
Sis: You know, in cakes or as decoration for baked stuff or food..
Me: ok, it is not like we bake these things everyday.. so for me, tea is where it will go..
Sis: 'still arguing that i am wasting a perfect coloured sugar or tea' No,, 7araaam.. ma zain..
Me: o.0 Really?!

I really still don't get it.. and yeah she won the argument and i didn't get to make my tea pink by using the coloured sugar :( !!!
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